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Archive for December, 2009

iPhone Application development process

The development process for iPhone Application starts with formulation of requirement. The customer or the application developer has a vision of what result he wants to achieve using the iPhone Application.


How many times can one keyword be used on a page?

We have worked with many clients and one of the most often question asked by our customers is what is the maximum number of times we can use a given keyword in the content of the webpage.


What are SEO firms and how they help small Businesses

SEO firms are have expertise in analyzing and suggesting changes in business owners’ website to improve their ranking in search engine. To understand it with an example, that your business revolve around selling washer dryer machines and small appliances for homes .


Online Marketing for Small businesses

You hired a nice web designer. He did a wonderful job in putting up nice content and graphics. Few days pass, then few weeks and then few months – the volume of the traffic on your website did not change. The volume of your business did not change.
