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What are SEO firms and how they help small Businesses

SEO firms are have expertise in analyzing and suggesting changes in business owners’ website to improve their ranking in search engine.  To understand it with an example, that your business revolve around selling washer dryer machines and small appliances for homes . An SEO firm will analyze your webiste and perform indepth research on what words people are searching with

and where does your website ranks in the search engine results.  The SEO firm will then make suggestions for necessary changes in your website so that your website will start coming to the top with the selected keywords. An example of a relevant keyword in the above example is “small refrigerator”. The SEO firm will then suggest changes in the title, h1 tag, meta tag, content and the sometimes the url itself. This will ensure that your website will start coming to the top with the keyword “small refrigerator”.

This process  of suggesting and making changes on the web page is also called on page optimization. The on page optimization will start yielding the  desired result, if any, within a  period of three weeks. However, on page optimization is necessary but not sufficient condition for the webpage to come to the top of the search results. Let us assume that two websites A and B both are equally optimized for the a certain keyword. One of them, A, come to the top in search engine other one, B, does not come to top.  Why ?  The reason is that the number of the links to website A  is more than the number of links to the website B. An SEO firm helps you get more number of links to your website.

The SEO firm performs a number of thigs to increase the number of links to your website. The SEO firm submits your webite to web directories. A number of blog sites , forums, social bookmarking sites are used to promote the ranking of the website. It is a long and a tedious process and does require certain level of expertise and experience. It is also required that the SEO firm be engaged for a longer duration of time in order  that the result achieved does not vanish with time.

The SEO firm also installs and tracks that data about the number and source of the visitors. They make adjustments into the website content and SEO efforts based upon the traffic data. Google Analytics is the most important and widely analytics tools used by the SEO experts.

The alternative to the SEO firm is to join and use Pay Per Click programs. In the Pay Per Click program the owner of the website or the business pays something like $0.50 for each click that results a visit to his website. A daily  visit of 100 traffic will require $50.  An SEO firm can help to some extent in this case as well. An SEO firm will choose the right keyword that you should choose in order to minimize the amount you pay per click still being relevant. Pay per click methods are not preffered methods but make immense sense in some cases especially if the value of the being sold by  firm is very high.

The SEO firms usually also specialize in other methods of online marketing, most notably, social media, viral marketing and email marketing among others. You may like to talk to your SEO company to see what services they offer.

Tulsana also provide SEO and traffic building services. You may like to get in touch with Tulsana team to see how it has and can help your business grow with SEO and online marketing.

Tulsana Contacts

Phone: 713-981-3865

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